Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Morning

 I feel so much better today, no headache... Thank You , Thank You!!!
I did get much accomplished yesterday though, didn't let it slow me down...
Pat,Linda and I met for breakfast for the first time in a month or so.. and that was very nice.. they are all going away for Thanksgiving so we took advantage of the time still here... Pat and I then walked to the book store and browsed I even started my Christmas shopping...
Friday was a good day... I had a class of 14, 8year olds at 3:30 and then a class of 12 Adults at 7:00p.m. both went well and I am pooped, but happy...
We got wy to the doctor for his hurting, and things are looking better there...
I got the cover of my sketchbook 2012 painted and I am very happy with that...  still working on the inside pages... time's a ticking away so must devote some more time to that...
I started the DEC. book club book last night and am getting into it too....
Too many tubs of slaw ,too little time... Where is it going in such a hurry????? Time that is....
The weather has been so nice for the last few weeks and I have been enjoying that...
 okay all is well here, so on with this lovely day...

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