Sunday, November 23, 2014

Moving right along

Many things happening during this month,to make me feel like I am moving at lightening will only keep it up from now until Christmas.
 Which is a good thing ..I would much rather be busy....
Thursday this week I visited Pat's classroom for the Great American Teach In, and we painted the Aztec suns.. The children seem to really enjoy hearing about my job, and even more,getting to paint, and having a painting they did, to take home... Thank You Pat for the opportunity to share what I do with the Children...
On Friday Raf came to stay with us for a bit,and man did that get the dogs undivided attention....
I had no baby gate so had to use what I had to keep both safe... They are not paying him any mind any more, The newness wore off pretty quickly...Thank You, Thank You....
I am madly making some Christmas gifts,in between painting pre-paints for work and working, so no time for dragging my tail feather....
I had the best group of people in my class last night.. They were with us to celebrate their Holiday party for the employees.
It was a great to see everyone having such a good time,painting Ybor At Night....
All of the paintings turned out so nice..
Wonderful to have such a positive group...
Anyway I wish all a good Thanksgiving Holiday ......

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Right, It's November

I don't even know what to think about this year going by so fast...
Work, as usual has kept me very busy and I have even had extra home work. We are up dating our storage system and I had to label all of my paintings...All 28 boxes with 18 paintings in each box... I have not done that much writing in so many years,OH my aching hands...
We had a very nice birthday dinner for Wy, Monday night  ,Yummy Steak and mashed potato...for a milestone birthday...You made it Wy... I love you!!!!
I just have a hard time seeing it here and gone already.
I did finally take some better pictures of my paintings and have been playing around with arrangements on pic monkey to make a poster for my Fine Art America web site.
I am not sure if it will work for that but I am going to try it....
I must have hit caps on with that last sentence..oh Well!!!
Anyway I have to go to work early today so I have got to cut this short
Bye for now,have a great week all !!!!!