Saturday, June 27, 2015

46th Anniversary

Happy Anniversary My Love!!!!!
It is so hard to imagine that we have been married for 46 years now....
It has gone by too fast...
 Wy, I love you!!!!
We were just babies and grew up together,and have been more then blessed the whole of our life's journey together....And with such great family and friends...
May we have many more happy years together....

Saturday, June 6, 2015


 I am teaching the fish on June 21st.... Come paint this ceramic fish with me....

   Wy's  starting the recovery process now and, slowly but surely he will be back on his feet...
Thank You to all the wonderful people who have been helping and supporting us as we go through these trying times and head out the other side....
There is, after all ,light at the end of this tunnel....
Now that we are home I am keeping busy while he is at rest, doing some prep for the up coming classes... See examples above
I am still upset about people using our yard as their dump...But am trying to flap my wings and move on from it....
Here we are to Saturday, my favorite day, so hope you all have a good one....